Friday, March 28, 2008

Check Out My Six Pack - Volume 2 - Magic Hat Circus Boy

Circus Boy from Magic Hat Brewing Company was the selection this week. I have no good reason for why I picked this one this week since I hate the circus (clowns) and it's a Hefeweizen which is apparently a summer beer.

The Magic Hat website describes it as: Hefeweizen Unfiltered and unfettered, Circus Boy is a unique and refreshing American-style Hefeweizen.Is he a who? Or a what? Or perhaps some of both?

Very easy to drink. I was watching the NCAA Tournament and was done with my six pack well before the first game ended. But I actually did notice there was a hint of some lemon or other citrus-like stuff. I normally don't pick up on that kind of thing so it was either really strong or my palate is maturing. Probably the former.

Bonus points for surprising little messages under each bottle cap. Mine were:
-Can I have this dance?
-Suck the toe of Edgar Allen Poe
-Life is Better inside a Warm Sweater
-It's always best to Confess to your Mess
-Don't drive a car if you're not going far
-You're never Alone with a Bone

Not much else to say. I probably wouldn't order it in a bar. Not as good as Long Trail IPA.
3.5 out of 6

Should I give it an extra half point because the guy at the beverage store gave me a Magic Hat Condom? Nah.

I have to come up with a new angle for this feature

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