Friday, March 14, 2008

Check out my Six Pack - Volume 1 - Long Trail IPA

Even though I'm almost 30, the type of beer I drink is not unlike it was when I was in college. Not that I feel I'm above the cheap beer. If someone hands me a Bud Light, MGD, Golden Anniversary or a Steel Reserve I'll drink it appreciatively. But I felt like it was time to see what else is out there. Every week I usually get a six pack during the week and settle in to watch a sporting event. Usually it's just Bud Light or Stella, but now I'm going get one of a beer I've never had before. Last week I had Smuttynose's Portsmouth Lager and Anchor Steam (It was a two 6-pack week). This week I had Long Trail Brewery's IPA. As a guy who drinks alot of beer, I only this week learned that IPA actually stands for India Pale Ale. Go figure.

Long Trail describes it like: We've brewed our filtered IPA for 13 years, and never considered offering the REAL (unfiltered) version that is naturally carbonated just as it comes out of our fermenters. Well here it is! We hope you enjoy our REAL IPA.

I don't know who I'm kidding. I can't pick up flavors or anything. I can just tell you that I didn't make a face on my first sip which is a good sign. A six-pack for me is usually just enough to get me a mini buzz and give me a quality nights sleep. I must admit, after my six pack, I did blend up a margarita. Maybe it gave me a buzz good enough that I didn't want to stop drinking? Let's go with that. It was 5.9% Alcohol content.

I don't want to set the bar too high because there should be many six packs to come, so I will give it 4.5 out of 6. (Get it....six pack) I'm still coming up with the graphic.

By the way, if you thought this was a blog about my abs, I don't want you to come back here anymore.

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