Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some things I watched

I read Bringing Down the House a few years ago and anytime a book I read is made into a movie, I'll go see it. If it's bad, I'll just tell them I read the book so I was curious to see it.

21 had one major thing going against it from the get go. I hate Jim Sturgess. I don't know him from anything other than a two and half minute trailer for Across The Universe, but I hate him because of it. I wasn't expecting much more than a popcorn flick whose sole purpose was to make me want to go back to Vegas again, and that's pretty much what Im got.

It was very overstylized which is to be expected when Vegas was involved, Kevin Spacey was a little too over-the-top my problem with his character is that it was a little riduclous to believe a college professor can wield as much power as he did.

If I was going to rate this movie on a scale of 1 to 35, I'd probably give it around a 21.


A welcome surprise from my Netflix queue, The King of Kong probably ranks in my top 5 documentaries right now. Any film that can have me mocking a whole subculture in the first ten minutes to me having a rooting interest in one of the characters less than seventy minutes later deserves alot of credit.

I would have thought these characters were made up if the concept of people caring about classic video game high scores wasn't so bizarre that it had to be true. You have the born loser Steve Wiebe who has had opportunities for success taken away from him on numerous occasions and finds solace in trying to beat the high score in Donkey Kong after getting laid off from work. Billy Mitchell is the classic arcade game Wunderkind who at one point held high scores in a few classic arcade games but his Donkey Kong record is the only one he still holds. He's the least physically intimidating person you could imagine but with a dark beard and a sweet, jet black mullet, he's gotten himself a "trophy" wife (that could only be considered hot in the video gaming subculture) and a bunch of hero worshippers who are his eyes and ears at the arcade. It's crazy. I couldn't recommend it more.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Explosions in the Sky - Crazy Donkey

Whether I'm emptying the dishwasher or playing a game of Madden, I can put on Explosions in the Sky and the experience just seems to become more important.

When I saw that they were playing at a bar I used to go to on Long Island this past Sunday I figured it would be worth checking out. I've never seen an experimental, instrumental band before. I was very curious about what the crowd would be like or if there would be a crowd at all but as it turns out, it was packed.

I'll start off by saying that they were really good. For a band who has no vocals, they were entertaining to watch on stage. Two of the guys spent alot of time on the floor which I normally don't really care for, but it didn't seem forced at all. It just seemed like that's where the song ended up taking them. The funniest part of the show was that the audience didn't know when to applaud. They didn't really take breaks between songs. Most of their songs run about 7-10 minutes so they just kind of run into one another. I would definately see these guys again. I would imagine an Explosions in the Sky concert would kick ass at an outdoor venue.