Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jon and Kate plus Eight. Yeah...I'm actually writing about this

In the midst of what would be a multiple day hangover from my bachelor party, my fiance was watching a Jon and Kate Plus Eight marathon and I was powerless to stop it.

I was aware of the allegations of Jon "stepping out" on Kate and their marital problems and had seen a few episodes here and there but not enough to pass judgement. But I have now.

I took a few psycholgy courses in college so I'm more than qualified to identify what went wrong with them.

When the show first started they thought it was a nice and interesting way to document their kids growing up while getting them material things and free vacations. I'm completely on board with that reasoning. I can't imagine how much money it costs to take a family that size on vacations and they are going to need a ton of bank to put all of them through college later.

Surprisingly, the show became popular and Kate changed gears from having the show be a means to document their kids growing up into a springboard to become a media mogul. Now Jon doesn't work anymore to stay home with the kids while Kate is off travelling to do talk shows and book tours. That coupled with Kate always putting him down and interrupting him during interviews, it's not a surprise that they are on the outs.

Now if you don't mind I have go prepare my next blog post which will be about guns, beer and sports.

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