Friday, October 3, 2008

Eavesdropping on an IM Chat

(My Morning Jacket is playing and can be heard through the wall)

Troufazz: I can hear it!

vanDERslice: Mine?

Troufazz: yeah. sounds sweet.

vanDERslice: It's awesome. If there was a MMJ concert every weekend, I would go.

Troufazz: You'd att an MMJ con ev week?

vanDERslice: If it was local? At least every other week. It affected me in a very bizarre way.
I'm still figuring out how to put it in words so I can blog about it

Troufazz: Is it like being converted to a religion.

Troufazz: A spiritual (re-)awakening?

vanDERslice: Actually knowing at that moment that you're probably seeing the best live band
you might ever see was weird. I always thought it would be something I would come to in retrospect.

Troufazz: Nice. If I were a blogger (which I was before my license was revoked), I would liken it to a rare experience when you can experience a shift in real time... like knowing the moment you fall in love during the actual moment it happens.

Troufazz: would that be epiphanous?

vanDERslice: Exactly.

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