Thursday, May 1, 2008

So I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I'm jealous of alot of people's lives, there are not many that I'm more jealous of than Judd Apatow (maybe Jack Johnson). While I'm stuck in a soul sucking job, this guy gets to run around and make movies with his friends all day. Normally I would hate a guy for his lot in life (i.e., Derek Jeter) but I guess I can overlook it since he seems to have my sense of humor.

If Freaks and Geeks lasted for more than one season, I would be more than comfortable saying it was my favorite television show of all time. While not as good as F&G, Undeclared ranks on my top 5 shows that got cancelled too soon. So based on all that you can probably guess that I liked this movie based on my bias going in.

I've tried to write screenplays before and my biggest complaint about this movie is the problem that I normally have when writing. Sometimes I'll think of funny scenes for a movie and instead of saving them for a later screenplay, I'll fit it in to the one I'm currently doing. More often than not it interupts the flow. I noticed this happening a few times in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Not that those scenes weren't funny, but it felt a little forced once the next scene got you back to the plot.

Random notes:
-I had no idea that Mila Kunis is hot.
-I'm pretty much over Jonah Hill
-If I was going to have a man crush, Paul Rudd would be an option.
-I thought I was going to hate the "Sarah Marshall's Lothario Boyfriend" character but he was a pleasant surprise. Pretty funny.
-Jack McBrayer's role was pretty close to his role on 30 Rock...which was fine by me.
-One of the more quotable movies from under the Apatow umbrella.

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