Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'm not a religious guy. I can't remember the last time I went to church for anything other than a wedding or a funeral. Nevertheless, I've been giving stuff up for lent for as long as I can remember. In the past it was easy because I would just give up soda and fast food. This year though I'm still holding to my New Years Resolution to eat healthier so I haven't had Coke or fast food yet this year so I was at a loss as to what to give up this time. Here was my thought process:
  • I'm not a huge "sweet" eater. If I went to a restaurant and had to choose between choosing to have an appetizer or dessert, pass me some boneless buffalo wings. So sweets aren't good enough.
  • That being said, I was thinking about not having appetizers when I go out to eat (I go out to eat alot). But I'm going on a cruise soon and apps will be too "in my face". I also go out for the NCAA Tournament every year where Mozzerella Sticks and Wings become a big part of it. Giving up appetizers would be setting myself up for failure.
  • Alcohol? I would be willing to try it if the timing was different. I think it would actually benefit me in a big way. Imagine how much my tolerance would go down? I'd spend alot less on beer when it was over. Alas, Lent happens during St. Patty's Day and the NCAA Tournament. I'm all for giving up something hard, not impossible.
  • If I was dropped on a desert island and can have only one food dropped down to me for each meal, it would be cheese burgers...easily. That's probably doable.

So I gave up cheese burgers. Not just burgers though. Beef as a whole. No Philly Cheesesteaks, no pasta with meat sauce. I'm making due with Chicken and Turkey.

If you read a news story on Easter about a guy running around a field taking bites out of cattles, that'll be me.

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