This past Sunday, I showed up at roughly the same time with roughly the same rainy weather conditions. But this time the line was this long (on left). Luckily this time I did have someone with me and there was a deli a half a block away which came up huge with the Coors Light tall boys and paper bags. I can't tell if the doors opened at 2:00 since I was a mile away but I'd say by 3:45 I was approaching the area where I was on the Hold Steady line a few weeks earlier. Until...
We learned that we weren't making such great progress and the line was just re-routed so we were lined up around the pool and not around people's homes. We had only made slight progress (picture on right). After about another hour I walked to get us another six pack. By now the Ting Tings are on. I took an hours worth of public transportation to get there and I'm questioning whether or not we're even going to get in. I tell my friend to wait in line and I'm going to go to the front and ask the security guys if they are almost at capacity and if it's worth waiting. As I'm walking up to the front I see a group of people cut the line. It totally made sense as to why this line wasn't moving, it was happening all over the place. The line wasn't being policed at all. I get a hold of my friend and tell him to just walk towards the front of the line and find me. I engaged these two guys and started talking about the venue and the band. My friend came over with the beers, we gave them one and we had our new place in line. Not long after we cut the line, security came with a pitch counter and started counting off people and figuring out where they would be at capacity. He didn't get that far passed us before he determined who the last group getting in would be. We missed the first two acts but we did get in before MGMT came on.
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